Making child labour visible to promote action16 June 2021Read MoreMaking child labour visible to promote action
Establish a Child Labour Monitoring System (CLMS) covering Tea Association of Malawi (TAML) members and Smallholder tea growers15 June 2021Read MoreEstablish a Child Labour Monitoring System (CLMS) covering Tea Association of Malawi (TAML) members and Smallholder tea growers
Mobilize at least 1,000 workers towards ending child labour and sign at least 4 collective bargaining agreements covering child labour15 June 2021Read MoreMobilize at least 1,000 workers towards ending child labour and sign at least 4 collective bargaining agreements covering child labour
Hold a conference during 2021 in which cooperatives agree on a road map to end child labour15 June 2021Read MoreHold a conference during 2021 in which cooperatives agree on a road map to end child labour
Create a Local Multisectoral Committee on the eradication of child labour in the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires15 June 2021Read MoreCreate a Local Multisectoral Committee on the eradication of child labour in the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires
Launch an internal awareness-raising campaign within all our territorial structures and sectoral federations in the trade union movement in Spain15 June 2021Read MoreLaunch an internal awareness-raising campaign within all our territorial structures and sectoral federations in the trade union movement in Spain
Promote due diligence and awareness of Child Labour throughout MANGO’s supply chain15 June 2021Read MorePromote due diligence and awareness of Child Labour throughout MANGO’s supply chain
Combat school dropout through our development cooperation programme, Piecitos Colorados15 June 2021Read MoreCombat school dropout through our development cooperation programme, Piecitos Colorados
Carry out awareness-raising actions on the subject15 June 2021Read MoreCarry out awareness-raising actions on the subject
Support rural children and adolescents between 5 and 18 years of age in the province of Misiones, Argentina, in the process of their ongoing education15 June 2021Read MoreSupport rural children and adolescents between 5 and 18 years of age in the province of Misiones, Argentina, in the process of their ongoing education