Tea Association of Malawi

pledges to

Establish a Child Labour Monitoring System (CLMS) covering Tea Association of Malawi (TAML) members and Smallholder tea growers

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On the pledge:

Tea Association of Malawi (TAML) will establish a Child Labour Monitoring System (CLMS) covering TAML members and smallholder tea growers. The CLMS will enable industry actors in the tea supply chain in Malawi to prevent, detect, report, and remediate child labour.

On the implementation:

We will establish a Child Labour Compliance Taskforce, develop a Child Labour Compliance Monitoring Plan (2021 – 2022), launch a child labour awareness campaign for TAML members and smallholder tea growers, invest in Corporate Social Responsibility, engage with former child labourers as role model to talk to TAML members and smallholder tea growers about the harms, risks and costs of child labour and conduct joint labour inspections.

On the impact:

We will engage supply chain actors in preventing, detecting, reporting, and remediating child labour in the tea value chain in Malawi.

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