Malawi Congress of Trade Unions

pledges to

Mobilize at least 1,000 workers towards ending child labour and sign at least 4 collective bargaining agreements covering child labour

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We are taking action!

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On the pledge:

We will organize and mobilize workers in both the formal and informal sectors in tea and coffee supply chains. We will support at least 1,000 workers to take action to prevent child labour though trade union organising, promoting integration of child labour into at least 4 collective bargaining negotiations and agreements, and through advocacy for effective enforcement of relevant labour laws and regulations.

On the implementation:

We will implement our action pledge by supporting trade unions representing workers in the informal sector in tea and coffee supply chains to organize and recruit members; establishing and strengthening trade union structures and committees in tea and coffee supply chains; educating and training workers on their rights and skills to undertake collective bargaining and negotiations that integrate child labour and mainstreaming violence and harassment, and lobbying for effective enforcement of relevant labour laws and regulations.

On the impact:

Our actions will improve the level of knowledge of relevant rights, including the right of the child to be free from child labour, and improved skills for collective bargaining negotiations for better working conditions and wages for parents and guardians, and to include child labour in collective bargaining agreements. These actions will reduce the vulnerability of households to child labour.

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