Launch an awareness-raising and information campaign on child labour and the violation of the rights of children and adolescents3 August 2021Read MoreLaunch an awareness-raising and information campaign on child labour and the violation of the rights of children and adolescents
Seven (7) days of intensive activism against child labour30 July 2021Read MoreSeven (7) days of intensive activism against child labour
Not tolerate child labour by trade unions at plant level18 June 2021Read MoreNot tolerate child labour by trade unions at plant level
Eliminate child labour and modern slavery18 June 2021Read MoreEliminate child labour and modern slavery
Work with all affiliated trade unions to support ILO’s call to end child labour18 June 2021Read MoreWork with all affiliated trade unions to support ILO’s call to end child labour
Make Fijian workplaces free of child labour18 June 2021Read MoreMake Fijian workplaces free of child labour
Mobilize at least 1,000 workers towards ending child labour and sign at least 4 collective bargaining agreements covering child labour15 June 2021Read MoreMobilize at least 1,000 workers towards ending child labour and sign at least 4 collective bargaining agreements covering child labour
Hold a conference during 2021 in which cooperatives agree on a road map to end child labour15 June 2021Read MoreHold a conference during 2021 in which cooperatives agree on a road map to end child labour
Launch an internal awareness-raising campaign within all our territorial structures and sectoral federations in the trade union movement in Spain15 June 2021Read MoreLaunch an internal awareness-raising campaign within all our territorial structures and sectoral federations in the trade union movement in Spain
Strengthen education for children and adolescents15 June 2021Read MoreStrengthen education for children and adolescents