Ending child labour in its region by strengthening the protection network11 June 2021Read MoreEnding child labour in its region by strengthening the protection network
Use statistical means to support the ending of child labour by 202511 June 2021Read MoreUse statistical means to support the ending of child labour by 2025
Raise awareness about child labour in Italy through music, art and educational events11 June 2021Read MoreRaise awareness about child labour in Italy through music, art and educational events
End child labour through the development of Kakamega County Children’s Policy11 June 2021Read MoreEnd child labour through the development of Kakamega County Children’s Policy
Prevent Child Labour through policies and actions10 June 2021Read MorePrevent Child Labour through policies and actions
Work towards eliminating child labour in cocoa sourcing communities in West Africa and hazelnut harvesting in Turkey through partnerships10 June 2021Read MoreWork towards eliminating child labour in cocoa sourcing communities in West Africa and hazelnut harvesting in Turkey through partnerships
Intensify its work addressing child labour in agriculture10 June 2021Read MoreIntensify its work addressing child labour in agriculture