Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 15a Região

pledges to

Ending child labour in its region by strengthening the protection network

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On the pledge:

We will strengthen the protection network, which includes public entities and civil society organizations, aiming at implementing a space in which it is possible to diagnose the main problems and propose coping strategies against child labour in several coordinated actions.

On the implementation:

We will map all the civil society public bodies and entities that aim to act in defense of children’s rights, call public hearings to approach the child labour theme and apprenticeship, and participate actively to perform strategic actions within the scope of cities, in partnership with the other entities from the rights guarantee system.

On the impact:

We aim to develop strategies to reduce the occurrence of child labour through the inclusion of families in income transfer programs and the development of initiatives to increase the hiring of adolescents and guarantee their proper entry into the labour market.

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