February 12 is the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers.

Bukeni Waruzi, executive director of the international NGO Free the Slaves, talks about the importance of ending child labour and reuniting children with their families.

Representatives of the United Nations in Turkey have been working with the government to end child labour. They urge the international community to select a specific action and achieve it within 2021.

The ILO and IOM are launching a call for research proposals around ending child labour, forced labour, and human trafficking.

Today, 4.3 million children are in forced labour. Use your pen as a force for good! The ILO and Human Resources without Borders will award a prize to the best illustration around the theme of children in forced labour.

Do you want to learn more about child labour, but don’t know where to start? Welcome to the unofficial crash course on child labour issues. Choose your own adventure by clicking on the link that explains the issue in the way you understand best.

Our post-pandemic world should be one free from child labour. One that leaves us with a healthier planet, stronger cities and towns, and kids with revitalized dreams for their futures.

The President of Djibouti pledged to accelerate action against child labour. More than 75 enterprises promised to create thousands of new jobs for local youth. And all participating stakeholders signed a Declaration on Employment.

On Thursday, 11 February, we launched the International Year in a special event for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ridma Weerawardena is a recording artist from Colombo, Sri Lanka. You can hear more of his music on his YouTube channel. This is his story.