Fuji Oil Holdings Inc

pledges to

Use every given opportunity to monitor and enforce compliance with our code on conduct

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We are taking action!

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On the pledge:

We will focus relentlessly on achieving our goals of removing the worst forms of child labour in our supply chains by 2025 and all forms of child labour by 2030.

On the implementation:

We pledge to leverage our size to spread the word to every corner of our global company that child labour must be eliminated. By catching the attention of our 5874 employees that in return as ambassadors can spread the word in their own networks, we aim to put the importance of demanding eliminating of child labour at the top of minds of a large a number of citizens globally.

On the impact:

We monitor reality of child labour closely through our main supply chain of cacao and palm oil. As for cacao farmers in west Africa we have been implementing CLMRS in our direct supply chain. As for palm oil, our grievance system that started in 2018 is a significant tool to engage effectively with our suppliers. We also collaborate with various NGOs.

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