Intensify its efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour19 July 2021Read MoreIntensify its efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour
Mobilize national stakeholders around a comprehensive coordinated strategy to combat child labour5 July 2021Read MoreMobilize national stakeholders around a comprehensive coordinated strategy to combat child labour
Adopt and implement the national action plan (NAP) to combat child labour5 July 2021Read MoreAdopt and implement the national action plan (NAP) to combat child labour
Draw up a guide to action on child labour5 July 2021Read MoreDraw up a guide to action on child labour
Widely disseminate the songs “Libérez les enfants” (Free the Children) and “Enfant soldat” (Child Soldier) and share them in several languages: tools for schools and choirs5 July 2021Read MoreWidely disseminate the songs “Libérez les enfants” (Free the Children) and “Enfant soldat” (Child Soldier) and share them in several languages: tools for schools and choirs