Kenya International Labour Organization

pledges to

Strengthen the capacities of the Government and social partners to address child labour, forced labour and trafficking in persons

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On the pledge:

We will accelerate action this year to support the Government and the social partners to have enhanced skills and capacities to handle survivors and policies addressing child labour, forced labour and trafficking in persons.

On the implementation:

We will support the Government to review and revise existing policies that have gaps, provide targeted training to enhance skills and knowledge in handling cases of child labour, forced labour and trafficking, strengthen coordination by encouraging partnerships between different stakeholders, and enhance awareness-raising and advocacy.

On the impact:

We hope that this Action Pledge will lead to an increase in the implementation of the legal and policy framework, to survivors of child labour, forced labour and trafficking having access to timely and quality services, and to a clear referral pathway for survivors to get timely services.

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