Business Network for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour: Los Niños y las Niñas ala Escuela

pledges to

Launch Guatemala’s Private Sector Strategy for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour 2021-2025

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On the pledge:

The Strategy will take into account the ten commitments made by the private sector in 2015 when the Business Network for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour ‘Los Niños y las Niñas a la Escuela’ was created in Guatemala.

On the implementation:

The formulation of the Private Sector strategy in Guatemala will be achieved through the generation and validation of strategic axes and specific actions of the members of the Business Network in the framework of the commitments made in 2015, following up on the actions and programmes that have been implemented for several years for the prevention of child labour with positive results.

On the impact:

The formulation of a strategy that gives continuity to the commitments made by the members of the Business Network provides a strategic framework for a comprehensive approach to the role of the
business sector in the prevention of child labour.

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