Colombia - Attorney General’s Office
pledges to
Launch a national awareness and advocacy campaign for the prevention and eradication of child labour in Colombia
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On the pledge:
We will launch a nationwide awareness and advocacy campaign for the prevention and eradication of child labour to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents who are in child labour or at risk of child labour.
On the implementation:
The following actions will be carried out:
1. National Meeting for the prevention and eradication of child labour: Opportunities for the prevention of child labour in Colombia
2. Advocacy at the municipal level to strengthen the functioning of the Comité Interinstitucional de Erradicación y prevención del Trabajo Infantil y sus Peores Formas (Inter-institutional Committee for the Eradication and Prevention of Child Labour and its Worst Forms – CIETI) and the Integrated Registration and Information System for Child Labour (SIRITI).
On the impact:
We will mobilize national and local actors in the political sphere to position the prevention and eradication of child labour as a priority on their respective agendas.
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