Kosovo - Ministry of Education Science Technology and Innovation

pledges to

Increase and support the response of schools to child labour

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On the pledge:

We will focus on mobilizing schools across Kosovo to address Hazardous Child Labour through the prevention of children at risk, as well as through identification, referral, and withdrawal of children involved in child labour through education services and integrated action with other service providers.

On the implementation:

We will make tools and specific guidance, including the strengthening of Education Inspectors, in addressing child labour available to schools. An Education Management Information System will enable real-time reports on the number of children combining school and work, as a basis for informed policy planning to properly address child labour through education.

On the impact:

We will sensitise teachers and students across Kosovo about the issue of child labour, encourage them to take action at various levels, and mobilise schools to identify children at risk of dropping out as a result of child labour and to prevent these through individually tailored measures.

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