Mexico - Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

pledges to

Implement the national training and awareness-raising strategy to prevent and eradicate child labour

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On the pledge:

During 2021, we will develop a training course with a rights-based approach to address the issue of child labour in the different levels of government.

On the implementation:

A) produce a diagnosis of training needs in the 32 Local Commissions for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour;
B) develop course content based on the results of the diagnosis;
C) launch the course as a pilot for a representative of the National Network of Local Commissions and eight federal labour inspectors;
D) feedback and improvement;
E) launch with a broader audience.

On the impact:

The actors involved in the training will acquire up-to-date information, knowledge and skills relevant and necessary to develop, implement and enforce national and local provisions, regulations, policies and actions aimed at eradicating child labour.

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