Delta 8.7 (United Nations University Centre for Policy Research)

pledges to

Identify effective measures to mitigate COVID-19 impacts on vulnerability to child labour

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We are taking action!

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On the pledge:

We will undertake research activities to collect evidence on “what works” to mitigate the threats to progress on eliminating child labour and return children to educational settings.

On the implementation:

We will update our country data dashboards with new ILO-sourced data on child labour, source data on the impacts of COVID-19 on enrollment in schools and develop research, and offer a virtual Symposium on what states are doing to mitigate COVID-19 impacts on progress to eliminate child labour.

On the impact:

This Action Pledge will allow us to offer tools for researchers and policymakers to develop greater resiliency in progress to 2025 and eliminating child labour.

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