Caribbean Office of Trade and Industrial Development Limited

pledges to

End child labour in the cocoa fields in Africa, Latin & South America

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On the pledge:

We the Directors of Caribbean Office of Trade & Industrial Development Limited hereby commit and pledge to implement plans and willingly align and support all Individuals, Institutions, Organizations and Governments that participate in any effort or Initiative to end child labour in all its forms.

On the implementation:

We will initiate collaboration and cooperation with humanitarian organizations, NGOs, CSOs and Foundations by an Expression of Intent, using all lobbying methods to try and persuade Governments, where child labour is used on cocoa plantations to enact legislation to prohibit same and adopt the recommendations of the ILO Conventions on child labour.

On the impact:

We envisage collaborating and using websites of private corporations, NGOs, CSOs, the social media, news channels etc. to reach first (i) The Consumers, (ii)The associations with vested interest in the cocoa industry (iii) Governments of the cocoa exporting countries

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