Imam Ali's Popular Students Relief Society

pledges to

End child labour by family-oriented empowerment

Read full pledge

We are taking action!

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On the pledge:

We plan to advocate for the rights of the children and their families in the underrepresented communities, on a regional and national level, and protect the children and their families through social and economical empowerment.

On the implementation:

We will organize and hold meetings with governors, lawmakers, and local policymakers, report the legal barriers for protecting children in marginalized areas to local policymakers, raise awareness, ensure social inclusion of the target group by inviting them to the local events for the marginalized girls and their families and increase the awareness of children subjected to child labour about their rights.

On the impact:

This Action Pledge will allow us to provide financial services for the children’s families, increase awareness of children about their rights, and convene stakeholders to develop and implement strategies to fight against child labour.

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