National Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour
pledges to
Carry out a communications campaign to mobilize and articulate the range of political actors to combat child labour in Brazil
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On the pledge:
FNPETI’s pledge to action for the International Year is based on six strategic axes: network participation, education, youth employment (apprenticeship), health, social protection and public budgeting.
On the implementation:
The activities will be carried out from April to December 2021 and include: dissemination of data on occupational accidents involving children and adolescents; publication of a book on children and adolescents rescued from slave labour; actions for the Semana Mundial de Jugar (World Week of Play); ongoing publications on FNPETI’s social networks; live thematic broadcasts on social networks; and a week of activities related to the World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June.
On the impact:
The communications campaign proposed by FNPETI will contribute with data and arguments that deconstruct the normalization of child labour.
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