Malawi - Ministry of Labour

pledges to

Adopt and launch the National Child Labour Advocacy and Communication Strategy and build media and stakeholder capacity for implementation

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We are taking action!

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On the pledge:

This action is a response to the findings of the 2015 National Child Labour Survey (NCLS) which found that a substantial proportion of children worked to supplement family income (53%), to help in household enterprises (56%), and to learn skills (70%). This suggests that parents and guardians play a major role in decision-making when it comes to the working life of children.

On the implementation:

We will engage communications experts to support finalization of the National Child Labour Advocacy and Communication Strategy (NCLACS). The NCLACS will then be adopted by the national steering committee on child labour and launched. We will then build the capacity of key stakeholders to implement the strategy, including the media (including through media committees) and existing child labour elimination structures, notably Community Child Labour Committees (CCLCs) and District Child Labour Committees (DCLCs) when targeting communities; and the National Technical Working Group on Child Labour (NTWG-CL) when targeting the tripartite constituents.

On the impact:

When parents/guardians and communities are equipped with the right knowledge, they will become more conscious about child labour and they will be able to participate in its elimination.

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