Marshalls Plc

pledges to

Say no to child labour and yes to children’s rights

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We are taking action!

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On the pledge:

We will ensure that we listen to children and to those that advocate for them, that they have a voice and are heard by us.

On the implementation:

We will ensure that our sales team are empowered to speak out in support of the eradication of child labour, enhance our human rights due diligence (HRDD) processes, continue to work with governments, civil society, workers, customers, children’s advocates and a range of other actors. In India, we will facilitate and lead the development of a ‘Guiding Framework’ for companies sourcing sandstone.

On the impact:

We will ensure that everyone who is part of the value chain understands that the decisions they make have a direct impact on child labour and work with our suppliers in India to eliminate child labour and the root causes in the natural stone sector.

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