Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
pledges to
Intensify its work addressing child labour in agriculture
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On the pledge:
To achieve SDG 8.7 we need a breakthrough in agriculture where child labour is frequently found. We will step up our efforts to strengthen the capacities of a wide range of agricultural actors to include child labour prevention and youth employment in their work through a dedicated work program within the corporate Strategic Framework.
On the implementation:
We will organise awareness-raising and capacity-building activities and learning opportunities, develop information and guidance materials. We will organise a series of FAO regional consultations and a global event on child labour in agriculture. We will further strengthen collaboration with partners of the International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture (IPCCLA) to upscale good practices in addressing child labour in agriculture.
On the impact:
By implementing this action pledge more agricultural stakeholders will be aware, informed, able, and committed to making use of opportunities to contribute towards the reduction of child labour in agriculture.
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