United Nations Global Compact
pledges to
Encourage UNGC Participants to renew and expand their efforts towards eradicating child labour and forced labour
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On the pledge:
We are mobilizing all UNGC participants (more than 12,000 participating companies and 3,000 non-business signatories) to step up their due diligence on human rights and take collective action on eliminating child labour. Making a real impact will require adopting a holistic approach and collaborating with all stakeholders.
On the implementation:
We will inspire companies by sharing good practice examples. We will organize, in collaboration with the ILO, a session during the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit to give companies an opportunity to learn and get inspired on what type of actions can be taken by business active in different regions and sectors to make a real impact to end child labour for good.
On the impact:
More companies will take concrete and collective actions to eliminate child labour. They will identify, prevent, mitigate and account for all adverse human rights impacts in their operations and value chains, which will help tackle child labour and forced labour.
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