Join the 2021 edition of the ILO Child Labour Platform’s Annual Meeting!
On Thursday, 21 October, from 15:30-17:30 CET, join pledge makers from the private sector for the 2021 edition of the ILO Child Labour Platform’s Annual Meeting.
As the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour nears its end, the time is right for a conversation about the unprecedented pledges made by over 100 business and employers’ organizations to tackle child labour in 2021.
The event will be structured as follows:
- Opening and welcome remarks by Anousheh Karvar, Chair of Alliance 8.7, and Philippe Vanhuynegem, Chief, Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch, ILO
- Session 1 – Leveraging data to end child labour in supply chains moderated by Benjamin Smith, Senior Specialist on Child Labour, ILO
- Session 2 – Strengthening due diligence systems on child labour moderated by Matthias Thorns, Deputy Secretary General, International Organisation of Employers and CLP Co-chair
- Session 3 – Driving local action to eliminate child labour moderated by Jeroen Beirnaert, Director, Human and Trade Union Rights, International Trade Union Confederation and CLP Co-chair
- Closing remarks by Griet Cattaert, Head of Labour Rights, UNGC New York
Interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be provided.