Fighting child labour has been a priority for the ILO since its creation in 1919.
One of the first ILO Conventions adopted that year was on minimum age for employment.
Over the years, the ILO has:
- Recognized freedom from child labour as a fundamental human right in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- Implemented the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, the most quickly ratified Convention ever
- Tackled child labour in the globalized economy with the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization
- Prioritized rural economies, supply chains, and fragile states with IPEC+
- Launched Alliance 8.7, a global strategic partnership that accelerates action towards SDG Target 8.7
H.E. Amira El Fadil
Commissioner for Social Affairs of the African Union Commission

A future of work that provides decent and sustainable incomes for all is impossible without the elimination of child labour.
The ILO’s 100-year-old goal – the abolition of child labour – is within reach.
We must act now.
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