5 child labour resources, explained simply
Do you want to learn more about child labour, but don’t know where to start? Welcome to the unofficial crash course on child labour issues. Choose your own adventure by clicking on the link that explains the issue in the way you understand best.
1. Report:
Ending child labour by 2025: A review of policies and programmes
- Latest updates: These are the most up-to-date global estimates on child labour today. They indicate that 152 million children – 64 million girls and 88 million boys – are in child labour around the world.
- Go local: Skim this report to learn about the policy approaches and responses to child labour in your area. What are your local officials doing to end child labour by 2025?
2. Online course:
E-learning on the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour
- Dive deeper: This online course provides guidance on what your team can do – whether alone or in partnership with others – during the International Year to accelerate results for children.
- Why join? You’ll meet global experts, share best practices, and gain access to practical resources on child labour.
3. Event:
Launching the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour in Africa
- A regional look: This event will accelerate the implementation of the African Union Ten Year Action Plan on Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in Africa (2020-2030). An estimated 1 in 5 African children are involved in child labour, a proportion more than twice as high as in any other region.
- What to expect: Listen to child labour survivors, inspiring world leaders, and a range of stakeholders speak about child labour on the continent, and how they’re advocating for positive change.
4. Video:
The fight against child labour
- In their words: Hear directly from children in this poignant four-minute visual overview of child labour in Madagascar. An ILO programme helped them gain access to better livelihoods.
- Quotable: “It is not an isolated problem of one country; it has to be tackled globally.” – Kailash Satyarthi, Indian activist
5. Brochure:
COVID-19 impact on child labour and forced labour
- A double pandemic: COVID-19 is reversing decades of progress on child labour and forced labour. Based on the latest analysis, we must urgently reach more than 1 million vulnerable children, communities, and families.
- You can help: The international community must repurpose its resources and operations to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic. Raise awareness about child labour today.
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