10 ways you can help end child labour
What is child labour?
Child labour is work that is hazardous, demands too many hours, or is performed by children who are too young.
- Over 150 million children around the world are in child labour
- Over 70% of all child labour happens in agriculture
How individuals can help end child labour
1. Share the definition of child labour on social media
2. Follow the Global Alliance working to end child labour, Alliance 8.7, on social media
3. On the World Day Against Child Labour, 12 June, watch a webinar on how to end child labour
4. Join the UN photo challenge to help end child labour
5. Read one of these resources for a deeper understanding of child labour
6. Share your progress on your pledge by posting with the hashtags #EndChildLabour2021 and #EndChildLabour
7. Send this link to a friend: endchildlabour2021.org
8. Make a selfie video saying “We can all take action to help end child labour” and post it with the hashtag #EndChildLabour2021
9. Download a social media card and post it with the hashtag #EndChildLabour2021
10. Write a blog post about ending child labour