Djibouti - Ministry of Labour and Professional Relations

s'engage à

Support for the implementation of a national plan to prevent and eliminate child labour

Lire l'intégralité de la Promesse d’Action

Nous agissons!

Restez informés! Suivez nous sur les réseaux sociaux. Consultez les hashtags #our2021 pledges et #endchildlabour2021 pour en savoir plus sur les mesures concrètes que nous prenons pour mettre fin au travail des enfants

Sur la Promesse d’Action:

Implementation of a national multi-stakeholder plan based on the coherence and complementarity of a strategic commitment to boost existing solutions and create new identification and intervention measures and procedures.

Sur la mise en œuvre:

Two approaches will be followed: 1) A curative approach to tackle situations of child labour 2) A preventive approach to eliminate any form of child labour. Practically, Djibouti will set up a national committee, produce an action plan and organize an approval workshop.

Sur l'impact:

This pledge will contribute to eliminating child labour in Djibouti through, among others, a suitable legislative environment, strengthened monitoring and repression capacities, improved knowledge of the issue of child labour.

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